PVC Maker Lab
About the Course
Easily sourced, durable, and cheap; PVC is king when it comes to creative play. In this course we will explore using tools of measurement, basic hand tools, and simple construction technique to make a variety of playthings. Many projects in this course can be used in our other classes making this course a very versatile option for your group. Project ideas we are currently offering:
~ Bow and Arrow set
~ Marshmallow Blowgun
~ Nerf Blowgun and Dart Popper
~ Play Tent Frame
~ PVC Swords (with foam noodle safety “blade”)
~ Target practice stand (good pairing with the bow and arrow, or blowgun projects)
This class will also incorporate games and movement elements. Some games may utilize the PVC creations, and some games may be used to break up the stages of the creation process. This class is a blend of: Math, Art, Physical/Creative play, and Technology Education.
Your Instructor
Joe Eckes
Founder of Forged & Tempered LLC, Joe Eckes is the instructor of this course.